Behind the name…

Gold Lion Pilates

Gold: illuminating, warm, bright, energizing, sacred, uplifting, enlightened

Lion: strength, power, courage, pride, wisdom, fierce, loyal

About Us.

Hey there! My name is Simone Malave and I am the owner/instructor for Gold Lion Pilates. I’ve been practicing Pilates for over 15 years at various boutique studios in California and Tennessee. I took my first ever Pilates class at a local gym in Huntington Beach, CA. It was a mat Pilates class for senior citizens but I figured I’d give it a try and soon after was hooked on this new (to me) exercise form. I eventually branched out to try other studios around town that offered Reformer Pilates and the rest is history!

Pilates is the only exercise program that I didn’t dread having to do and “get it out of the way”. It was a fun, exciting, challenging, and truly made me feel great both mentally and physically. I started to see changes in my body which was an added bonus because for the first time in my fitness journey, that wasn’t the primary goal.

I got my Pilates certification in early 2022 and turned my passion into a long term dream of being able to share this amazing practice with others. My certification training includes: Mat, Reformer, Chair, Ladder Barrel, Cadillac, Spring Board, Spine Corrector, TRX, Trigger Point Recovery, Anatomy, and Special Populations.

My goal as a Pilates instructor is to make my clients feel better when they leave than when they came in, push them to do things they didn’t think were possible, and make their confidence in themselves override the self doubt. The body is an amazing machine and I am excited to uncover what it can do in a safe and positive environment!